Thankful Project: Day 4
An Experience
I am thankful for many experiences i've had and hopefully continue to have; a very short Colorado trip, the yearly family trips to New Mexico, the absurd experience I had in Las Vegas (I could go on and on), however none of these compare to the opportunity I had to compete in Miss Texas USA back in 2009. Granted I had no clue what I was getting myself into, and was far from prepared, the the pageant taught me a lot about myself and the woman I want to become.
During our yearly rodeo parade in my home town, I got to represent the city along with my best friend Kara who was running for Miss Teen Texas at the same time. Who can say they got to experience something so unique with their best friend?! Plus, that cool car we got to ride around in for the day!
I met a handful of new friends and acquaintances, some who I keep in contact with to this day.
Competing in pageants is seriously a full time job. You have to wake up every morning super early to start your day, go into dance rehearsal for a few hours, eat lunch, then travel to the location where the live pageant will be held and practice there along with dress rehearsal for long hours. Did I mention you are in heels practically the entire day? Finally you get to go back to your hotel to get ready for the special event they have planned for you at night, all to repeat the process over each day for a week.
I warned you before, I was very unprepared. I should have taken more time in training for the interview and swimsuit sections, unfortunately I went all in blind and still had an amazing time.
Although stressful and exhausting, the experience you receive is extremely rewarding. If I could do this type of work every day...sign me up!
Can you find me in the sea of beautiful girls? I think that's my little head a bobbing above Refugio's to the left of the photo.
I'm not sure why the family camera had an attitude and wanted us to look like we are from the 70's, but at least I have evidence and the memories to look back on.
And at last, my favorite support group!
One of the best experiences I have had throughout my life. If you are thinking about competing I will encourage you to do so. I've even contemplated competing again. :)